Rigidply Rafters, Inc.

Rigidply Rafters, Inc.


Trusses & Wall Panels

About Us

In the summer of 1954, the Shirk family began to manufacture laminated wood rafters in its home in Myerstown, PA. Before and after school, several sets of rafters were glued and clamped together in the basement of their house. In time, the family felt that the business needed a name which was truly descriptive of the quality product they were producing. The name Rigidply Rafters was established in 1954 by Chester F. Shirk, the owner and operator of this contracting company.

Among the products the company produces:

• Glulam treated posts
• Roof and floor trusses
• Glulam arches
• Glulam beams
• T&G and V-groove decking
• Complete line of post-frame building materials
• Crane service

Today, the Rigidply Rafters name continues as a testament to the superior work produced by this family owned business. Rigidply Rafters currently employs more than 200 people and operates a manufacturing plant in Richland, PA. A second manufacturing plant is located in Oakland, MD.

Everyone at Rigidply Rafters is fully committed to serving its customers and providing them with the finest products available. The excellence the company strives for is to continually show its appreciation for its customers’ loyalty to Rigidply Rafters.


Setting Trusses
Heavy Timber Trusses on a Porch Roof
Residential Curved Beams
Beams and Posts